日時: 2024年1月19日(金)13:30 ~ 15:00
場所: 大阪大学 豊中キャンパス 国際公共政策研究科(OSIPP)棟 6階 会議室
申込: yuri-kitabayashi@iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp(東京大学中林研究室 北林様宛)
Mirka Zvedelikova氏(大阪大学 社会科学研究所)
Title: “Husband’s Retirement and Housework Burden: Unpacking Gender Dynamics in Japanese Marriages”
Japanese wives traditionally shoulder the homemaking burden while the husbands engage in paid labor. This study examines the shift in housework distribution in Japanese married couples following the husbands’ retirement and the related change in time availability. Using household panel data from 2011-2023, a dynamic staggered DID design is employed to examine up to five years surrounding retirement. The total time spent on chores increases following husbands’ retirement and continues to rise over time. Wives’ share of weekly chores drops temporarily, as reported by their husbands but not themselves, revealing a conflict in the perception of the burden. The distribution of domestic labor largely fails to turn more equitable after the husband retires. Moreover, elderly households depend on wives’ chores contributions, thus facing a potential welfare loss in case wives lose the ability to do housework. Abstract:Mirka Zvedelikova
- 共催:東京大学社会科学研究所 & IPP研究会
- 問合せ:東京大学社会科学研究所 中林真幸研究室