OSIPP 2020年度入学オリエンテーションの会場とスケジュールが再度変更になりました。
The venue and the schedule for 2020 OSIPP Orientation has been changed again.
(会場)豊中総合学館302講義室(変更前)OSIPP棟 講義シアター/豊中総合学館301講義室
(Venue) Room 302 (3F) of Common Hall (豊中総合学館)
(Before change) Lecture Theater (2F) of OSIPP bldg./ Room 301 (3F) of Common Hall (豊中総合学館)
OSIPP Orientation is held only on 7th April.
* Please wear a mask when participating.
If you have a physical condition such as fever on the day, please contact OSIPP Educational Affairs Section and do not participate.