The members of Center for Evidence-Based Policy Making (CEPO) are giving several classes for data analysis at OSIPP without assuming any pre-knowledge of data analysis.
In particular, we provide the following courses;
1) Statistics
2) Econometrics
3) Programing and data management
4) How to design researches and field experiments
5) Economic Theory (Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Economics, Public Economics, Behavioral Economics, Political Economics, etc)
Important Courses at OSIPP for Evidence-Based Policy Making
- Social Science Research Methods
- Econometric Analysis I
- Econometric Analysis II
- Data Management & Analysis
- Calculus and Matrix Analysis
- Microeconomic Analysis I (Price Theory)
- Microeconomic Analysis II (Game Theory)
- Macroeconomic Analysis
- Econometric Methods
- Advanced Econometric Methods
- Microeconomic Theory
- Macroeconomic Theory
From Research Students to Master Students
You can use the status of research students as the preparation to be a master student. You first come to Japan as a research student and take several courses, including the lecture for how to write a research proposal and basic course in economics, and later you can apply to an entrance examination for master course at OSIPP. Although we cannot guarantee that you can pass the entrance examination, it would help increase skills for obtaining master degree at OSIPP.
From Master Students to Doctoral Students
In order to become doctoral students at OSIPP as an advisee of one of our members, it is important to obtain essential skills to conduct the research for Evidence-Based Policy Making and to demonstrate your ability to write a research paper. In particular, the members of this center seriously consider your grades at the specified classes on the topics of microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics. The requirement of these courses might differ across members. Please ask your adviser what the requirement to be a doctoral student is.