日時: 2022年1月21日(金)13:30 ~ 15:00
開催方法: オンラインにて開催
申込: rmikami(a)iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp(中林研究室 三上様宛)
Ken-Iichi Shimomura(下村研一 神戸大学)
Title: “Toward the equalization of medical care among regions in Japan”
Abstract: In Japan, the number of enrollments in medical school has been gradually increasing since 2008, and the number of doctors is increasing by 3,500 to 4,000 every year at the national level. The fact is that the supply and demand for medical doctors are to be equilibrated in 2029. Then, what is the next issue? We believe that it is the equalization of medical care among regions. We consider what happens in the future if the distribution of medical institutions in Japan remains unchanged. Abstract:Ken-Ichi Shimomura
- 共催:東京大学社会科学研究所 & IPP研究会
- 問合せ:東京大学社会科学研究所 中林真幸研究室