- “Support for Local Educational Expenditures by the Elderly ―Evidence from Japan―”
Miki MIYAKI and Masaki KIMURA pp.1-21 - 「自律型致死兵器システムの規制をめぐる最近の動向 ―特定通常兵器使用禁止制限条約政府専門家会合における議論を中心に――」
吉田 靖之 pp.23-45 - 「ニクソン政権期の生物・化学兵器軍縮にみる核抑止との連関」
日高 薫 pp.47-61 - “The Supreme Leader’s Legitimacy Crises and Candidate Screening in Iran’s Post-Khomeini Parliamentary Elections”
Tomoyo CHISAKA pp.63-77 - “External Policy of the European Economic Community during the Association Negotiations with Turkey(1959–63) ―Reconsidering the origin of EU-Turkey relations―”
Kazuhiro NOSE pp.79-96 - “Conditions for Selecting International Environmental Regimes ―The U.S. and the G20 regime on Marine Plastic Litter―”
Tamaki TAKAO pp.97-118