GSE-OSIPP-ISER Joint Conference in Economics 2022
- 日程: 2022年 9月 20日(火)
- 時間: 9:00~11:50 16:00~18:50 *日本時間
- 申込:https://www.iser.osaka-u.ac.jp/collabo/event_20220920.html
- 方法:オンライン(ZoomとGather.town)
Presenters and program:
≪Morning Sessions≫
09:00-09:30 津田 俊祐氏 (Brown University) "Human and nature: Economies of density and rainforest conservation in Amazon River networks" 09:40-10:10 砂田 健揚氏 (University of Rochester) "Private labels and retailer profitability: Bilateral bargaining in the grocery channel" 10:20-10:50 阿部 達也氏 (早稲田大学) "Welfare effects of fuel tax and feebate policies in the Japanese new car market"
10:50-11:50 Discussion 1 (Gather.Town)
≪Afternoon Sessions≫
16:00-16:30 奥山 陽子氏 (Uppsala University)
“Spousal earnings and household dynamics: Evidence from a promotion reform”
16:40-17:10 川口 康平氏 (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
17:20-17:50 鳥谷部 貴大氏 (University College London)
“Effect of introducing a parental leave policy on long-run maternal employment”
17:50-18:50 Discussion 2 (Gather.Town)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 研究会幹事: 経済学研究科 谷﨑久志・祝迫達郎 国際公共政策研究科 高橋秀典・鎌田拓馬 詳細: 大阪大学経済学研究会事務局(合同研究室)